
TheprimaryuseforthisistogiveGoogleNews,GoogleBooks,GoogleScholar,orothermorespecificresults,thoughitcanalsobeusedtoprovidea ...,(Internet)Initialismofletmegooglethatforyou.Usagenotesedit.Sarcasticremark ...,LMGTFY(前稱為LetmeGooglethatforyou,中文解釋為「讓我幫您Google您要的那樣東西」)是一個連結到搜尋引擎的引導性網站,該網站與Google並沒有任何關係。,LetMeGoogleThatForYou(abbreviatedLMGTFY)isasi...


The primary use for this is to give Google News, Google Books, Google Scholar, or other more specific results, though it can also be used to provide a ...


(Internet) Initialism of let me google that for you. Usage notes edit. Sarcastic remark ...

Let me google that for you | 香港網絡大典

LMGTFY (前稱為Let me Google that for you,中文解釋為「讓我幫您Google您要的那樣東西」) 是一個連結到搜尋引擎的引導性網站,該網站與Google並沒有任何關係。

Let Me Google That For You LMGTFY

Let Me Google That For You (abbreviated LMGTFY) is a single serving site powered by Google's search engine that can simulate a custom search query in an ...

Let Me Google That

For all those people that find it more convenient to bother you with their question than to google it for themselves.


For all those people who find it more convenient to bother you with their question rather than to Google it for themselves.

Let me Wikipedia that for you

Learn something for yourself! Create your own LMWTFY! | Created by Joe Glombek | Cookies | Inspired by LMGTFY | Wikipedia is a registered trademark of the ...

lmgtfy Meaning & Origin

2018年3月1日 — Lmgtfy is an internet acronym standing for let me Google that for you, used when someone requests information that they could have easily found ...

What Does 'LMGTFY' Mean?

2018年9月5日 — LMGTFY stands for let me google that for you. Where did LMGTFY come from? If you get a message with LMGTFY, be warned that the messenger is ...

Let me Google that for you

Let me Google that for you(LMGTFY),中文字面意思係「等我幫你喺Google搵一搵」。不過,喺網絡文化語境入面,呢句話其實係用嚟諷刺人未有自己先喺Google搵一下就 ...